高亚丽,女,1978年生人,工学博士,于2016年创立东北电力大学激光加工中心。主持中国博士后基金1项、江苏省博士后基金1项,吉林省教育厅基金1项,吉林市科技局基金1项,参与吉林省科技厅、吉林省教育厅项目5项。在Applied Surface Science、Surface and Coatings Technology等高水平学术期刊上发表SCI收录论文12篇(第一作者),EI收录论文15篇(第一作者)。受邀担任Applied Surface Science、Surface and Coatings Technology等多个期刊审稿人。

1.高亚丽,路鹏勇,刘宇,张冬冬,佟研. 镁合金表面激光熔覆研究现状,中国表面工程,2023,36(3):22-39. (EI收录)
2.Gao Yali,Tong Yan, Li Guohui, Lu Pengyong, Zhang Dongdong. Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Based Alloy Composite Coating on Cr12MoV by Laser Cladding.Coating, 2022,12(11):1-15. (SCI收录)
3. Gao yali, Kou Gangpeng. Performance analysis of FeCoCr1.5NiAl high-entropy alloy coating on H13 steel by laser cladding, Journal of Physics, 2022,1(2256) (EI收录)
4. Gao Yali, Liu Yu, Song Xueying. Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coating for Improved Corrosion Resistance and Bioactivity of Magnesium Alloy. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2018, 27(8): 1381-1387.(SCI收录)
5. Yali Gao; Meng Jie; Yu Liu. Mechanical properties of Al2O3 ceramic coatings prepared by plasma spraying on magnesium alloy. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, 315:214-219.(SCI收录)
6. 高亚丽,马广超,张海波,狄驰. AZ91HP 镁合金激光熔凝层的耐蚀性和生物相容性.材料热处理学报,2015,36(1):147-152.(EI收录)
7. Ya-li Gao; Meng Jie; Hai-bo Zhang. Infulence of laser scanning speed on Cu-Zr-Al composite coatings on Mg alloys. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2013, 20(6): 568-573.(SCI收录)
8. 高亚丽,接勐,张海波. 医用镁合金表面激光重熔羟基磷灰石涂层.材料热处理学报,2012,33(9):117-121.(EI收录)
9. 高亚丽,熊党生. 医用镁合金等离子喷涂羟基磷灰石涂层研究,2011,32(1):109-113.(EI收录)
10. 高亚丽,王存山. 镁合金AZ91HP表面激光重熔Al2O3涂层的组织及性能,金属学报,2007,43(5):493-497.(SCI收录)
11. Gao Yali, Wang Cunshan, Yao Man, Liu Hongbin. The resistance to wear and corrosion of laser-cladding Al2O3 ceramic coating on Mg alloy, Applied Surface Science, 2007,253:5306-5311.(SCI收录)
12. Gao Yali, Xiong Dangsheng, Wang Cunshan, Chen Yongzhe. Influences of laser powers on microstructure and properties of the coaitngs on the AZ91HP magnesium alloy, Acta Metall.Sin., 2009, 22(3):167-173.(SCI收录)
13. Yali Gao, Cunshan Wang, Qi Lin, Hongbin Liu, Man Yao. Broad-beam laser cladding of Al–Si alloy coating on AZ91HP magnesium alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2006, 201: 2701–2706.(SCI收录)
14. Yali Gao, Cunshan Wang, Hongjie Pang, Hongbin Liu, Man Yao. Broad-beam laser cladding of Al–Cu alloy coating on AZ91HP magnesium alloy, Applied Surface Science, 2007(253): 4917–4922.(SCI收录)