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2022-03-19 13:01  










   刘宇,男,1984年出生,工学博士,2015年毕业于大连理工大学,主持和参与国家自然科学基金、省部级项目、企业横向等课题20余项,在International Journal of Advanced ManufacturingIronmaking & Steelmaking等高水平学术期刊上发表论文50余篇,其中,ESI高被引论文1篇,出版专著1部,申请发明专利15项,授权发明专利8项。担任中国科协大数据与科技传播专业委员会委员、2020年机械工程与智能制造国际会议组委会委员、中博联智库化工与新材料专家委员会特聘专家。获得“吉林市科技工作者创业创新大赛优秀奖”优秀奖、“东电学者”三层次等荣誉,东北电力大学课堂质量优秀教师。担任AEIC材料系列国际会议组委会委员、吉林省科技厅专家库专家、International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyJournal of Materials Research and TechnologyMaterials等国际知名学术期刊审稿人。










Ø Yu Liu, Lai Jiang*, Jing Shi, Jiabin Liu, Guohui Li , Zhaofeng Wang, Zhi Zhang. Recognition of longitudinal cracks on slab surfaces based on particle swarm optimization and eXtreme gradient boosting model. Processes, 2024, 12(6): 1087.

Ø Yu Liu, Zhixin Ma, Xudong Wang, Yali Gao, Man Yao, Zhiqiang Xu, Miao Yu. Analysis and prediction of sticker breakout based on XGBoost forward iterative model. ISIJ International, 2024, 64(8): 1272-1278.

Ø Yu Liu, Zhixin Ma, Xudong Wang, Man Yao. Sticker breakout recognition based on temperature characteristics and stacking multi-classifier model. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2024, 50(7): 678–686.

Ø Yu Liu, Haiquan Jin, Tianhao Xu, Zhiqiang Xu, Fengming Du, Miao Yu, Yali Gao*, Dongdong Zhang. Effect of a substrate’s preheating temperature on microstructure and properties of Ni-based alloy coatings. Lubricants, 2024, 12(1): 21.

Ø Yu Liu, Xiaofu Liu, Zhiqiang Xu, Miao Yu. Numerical simulation and wear resistance property of Ni-based alloy coating on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V substrate. Lubricants, 2023, 11(12): 513.

Ø Yu Liu, Lin Zhu, Zeyu Li, Miao Yu, Yali Gao, Hui Liang. Microstructure and properties of Inconel 718 coatings with different laser powers on the surface of 316L stainless steel substrate. Coatings, 2023, 13(11): 1947.

Ø Yu Liu, Lai Jiang, Xudong Wang, Fengming Du, Jianhang Zhao. Mould heat transfer and friction behavior on the surface of wide and heavy slabs in the presence of longitudinal cracks. Metall. Res. Technol., 2023, 120(3): 314.

Ø Yu Liu, Zeyu Li, Guohui Li, Fengming Du, Miao Yu. Microstructure and wear resistance of Ni-WC-TiC alloy coating fabricated by laser. Lubricants, 2023, 11(4): 170.

Ø Yu Liu, Tianhao Xu, Guohui Li, Zeyu Li, Fengming Du. A multi-objective optimization of laser cladding process of Ni-based coating on the preheated copper alloy. Materials Today Communications, 2023(35): 105614.

Ø Yu Liu, Zhixin Ma, Xudong Wang, Man Yao. Casting parameters and propagation behaviour of sticker breakout for the conventional slab. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2023, 50(7): 678–686.

Ø Yu Liu, Zeyu Li, Guohui Li, Ling Tang. Friction and wear behavior of Ni-based alloy coatings with different amount of WC-TiC ceramic particles. Journal of Materials Science, 2023, 58, 1116–1126.

Ø Yu Liu, Tianhao Xu, Guohui Li. Research on wear and corrosion resistance of Ni60-WC coating fabricated by laser on the preheated copper alloy. Coatings, 2022, 12(10): 1537.

Ø Yu Liu, Zhiqiang Xu, Xudong Wang, Yunxiang Zhang. Recognition of sticker breakout in mould thermograph based on template matching. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2023, 50(1): 94–100.

Ø Yu Liu, Tianhao Xu, Dongdong Zhang, Wei Yang, Guangbin Chen. Numerical simulation and microstructure formation mechanism of Ni-based coating fabricated by laser on copper plate. Optik, 2022, 254(168645): 1–16.

Ø Yu Liu, Zhiqiang Xu, Xudong Wang, Dongdong Zhang. Space-time characteristics of true and false sticker breakouts in mould during continuous casting. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2021, 48(8): 901-908.

Ø Yu Liu, Tianhao Xu, Ying Liu, et al. Wear and heat shock resistance of Ni-WC coating on mould copper plate fabricated by laser. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(4): 8283-8288. (SCI二区,IF=5.29)

Ø Yu Liu, Zhiqiang Xu, Xudong Wang, et al. Space-time characteristics of true and false sticker breakouts in mould during continuous casting. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2020, 47(11): 1-6. (SCI二区)

Ø Yu Liu, Yuanpeng Tian, Xudong Wang, et al. Influence of processing parameters on slab stickers during continuous casting. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 2020, 39(1): 228-235. (SCI四区)

Ø Yu Liu, Ying Liu, Yali Gao, et al. Microstructure and properties of Ni–Co composite cladding coating on mould copper plate. Materials, 2019, 12(17): 2782-2791. (SCI三区)

Ø Yu Liu, Xudong Wang, Man Yao, et al. Research on a new detection method of slab surface crack in mould during continuous casting. Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2018, 115(1): 1-6.(SCI四区)

Ø Yu Liu, Xudong Wang, Yi Sun, et al. A visual detection method of longitudinal crack based on computer image processing during slab continuous casting. Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, 2018, 63(3): 673-680. (SCI四区)

Ø Yu Liu, Xudong Wang, Man Yao, et al. Computer vision detection of mould breakout in slab continuous casting using an optimized neural network. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 88(1): 557-564. (SCI三区)

Ø Yu Liu, Xudong Wang, Man Yao, et al. Visual detection based on computer vision for sticker breakout in slab continuous casting. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2015, 42(6): 417-423. (SCI二区)

Ø Yu Liu, Xudong Wang, Man Yao, et al. Effect of casting parameters on sticker breakout and its propagation behaviour during slab continuous casting. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2014, 41(10): 748-755. (SCI二区)

Ø 刘宇, 王旭东, 姚曼, . 基于图像处理的黏结漏钢可视化检测方法研究. 中南大学学报, 2016, 47(2): 1-6. (EI)


Ø 刘宇,马智心,王旭东,王新华,李斌,高亚丽,张冬冬. 一种基于XGBoost模型的黏结漏钢预报方法,2023.08.29,中国,专利号:202311098452.3.

Ø 刘宇,刘加斌,王旭东. 一种基于热像图的黏结热区域移动速率检测方法,2023.08.22,中国,专利号:202311059491.2.

Ø 刘宇, 马智心, 王旭东. 一种基于Stacking多分类器融合的黏结漏钢预报方法, 2022.12.08, 中国, 专利号: 202211571041.7.

Ø 刘宇, 江来. 一种基于温度特征的连铸坯表面纵裂纹逻辑判断方法, 2022.11.04, 中国, 专利号: 202211373427.7.

Ø 刘宇, 徐志强, 王旭东. 一种基于空间特征的连铸漏钢感兴趣区域检测方法, 2022.05.12,中国, 专利号: 202210519551.3.

Ø 刘宇, 徐志强, 王旭东. 一种基于连铸漏钢传播行为的模板匹配识别方法, 2022.05.07, 中国, 专利号: 202210495353.8.

Ø 刘宇, 徐志强, 王旭东, 段海洋, 姚曼. 一种基于空间-时序特征的黏结漏钢逻辑判断方法: ZL202110630310.1,授权日期:2022.09.20. 15个月)

Ø 刘宇, 徐志强, 王旭东, 段海洋, 姚曼. 一种基于游程的结晶器热像图异常区域标记方法: 中国, 201911264492.4. 发明专利, 授权日期: 2021.04.

Ø 刘宇, 王旭东, 姚曼, 高亚丽, 狄驰, 张海波. 一种基于改进神经网络的漏钢可视化特征预报方法: 中国, 201510644393.4, 授权日期: 2017.06.

Ø 王旭东, 刘宇, 姚曼. 基于元胞自动机的结晶器铜板温度异常区域检测方法: 中国, 201810375884.7, 发明专利,授权日期: 2019.06.

Ø 王旭东, 姚曼, 刘宇. 一种连铸坯表面纵裂在线检测方法: 中国, 201410458785.7, 发明专利, 授权日期: 2016.06.

Ø 王旭东, 姚曼, 刘宇. 一种基于机器视觉的结晶器漏钢可视化预报方法: 中国, 201210429757.3, 发明专利, 授权日期:2014.06.


Ø 刘宇, 于淼. 连铸漏钢计算机视觉检测方法, 北京: 科学出版社, 2018.


Ø 刘宇, 徐志强. 连铸结晶器漏钢可视化监控系统, 证书号: 软著登字第5985841, 登记号: 2020SR1107145, No. 06442450, 2020.06.


1. 基于计算机视觉的连铸坯表面裂纹可视化识别与评价方法研究,吉林省科学技术厅,面上项目,2023.01-2025.12,10万元.

2. 鞍钢1号机连铸结晶器专家系统开发,大连理工大学,25.5万元,2023.10-2024.10.

3. 宝武梅钢3号机连铸漏钢预报系统开发,大连理工大学,21.25万元,2023.10-2024.10.

4. 鞍钢炼钢四分厂2号机4流连铸漏钢预报系统开发,大连理工大学,21.25万元,2022.06-2024.06.

5. 鞍钢炼钢四分厂2号机3流连铸漏钢预报系统开发,大连理工大学,21.25万元,2022.06-2024.06.

6. 基于计算机视觉的连铸漏钢空间-时序特征可视化及其智能预测集成方法,国家自然科学基金委,2018.01-2020.1220万元.

7. 连续铸造漏钢可视化形成、传播机理及智能化预报方法研究,吉林市科学技术局,杰出青年项目,2016.08-2018.085万元.

8. 连铸结晶器漏钢可视化预报方法开发,大连理工大学,2016.04-2018.0410万元.



